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Globe Hotel, Jackson, Amador County

Here shows the Republic House built prior to the Globe Hotel

The Globe Hotel was built on the corner of Main and Court Street in 1858 by Henry Trueb which is the two story structure pictured here. The fire of 1868 gutted the building, but was rebuilt soon thereafter

Excerpt Amador Ledger May 25, 1900
Screen doors and windows have been put in at the Globe hotel this week.

In 1900 it shows that E. Anderson was the proprietor. Note the price of meals in those days.

It also seems that many doctors took residence in the hotels within the county.

Excerpt Amador Ledger June 1, 1900
Dr. O. N. Sullivan, tho well known refraction specialist, will have, his office days June 2d, 3d and 4th at Globe Hotel. Those who require the services of an expert will receive courteous treatment from Dr. Sullivan, who is a gentleman of culture and a self-made man in the school of experience. Call at once. Glasses fitted.