The first TELEGRAPH was in 1855 in time for the first big fire.

The first STAGE was on July 1, '1851, the weekly U. S. Mail stage.

The first EXPRESS CO. in Jackson was Hunter & Co., 1852.

The first CIRCULATION LIBRARY was probably at Barrett & Maujer's store next to Masonic Hall.

The first PREACHER was sup­posedly a peripatetic Southern Baptist in 1850.

The first SCHOOL was in the Methodist-Episcopal Church, probably in 1853.

The first PROTESTANT CHURCH was the ME church in 1853.

The first CATHOLIC CHURCH was in circa 1852.

The first person (man, of course) LEGALLY HANGED was Nathan Cottle in 1856.

The first time Jackson FOUGHT OFF a try by another town to get the county seat was in 1856.

The first time Jackson was SURVEYED was in 1854.

The first time the townsite and all lots of Jackson were SURVEYED was in 1870.

The first time a Jackson attorney was selected a California U. S. SENATOR was in 1877.

The first TELEPHONE In Jackson was in the office of the Amador Dispatch in June, 1878. The first circuit was to the Oneida Mine and Sut­ter Creek.

The first time Black Bart ROBBED A JACKSON STAGE was in 1883.

The first ELECTRICITY in Jackson was in 1893.

Quoting no sources but basing our findings on many, herewith read some historic "firsts" in Jackson's 132 years of paleface history.

The first LITTERER was that un­known slob who tossed the first bottle down by the springs at the creek crossing.

The first SETTLER was Louis Tellier, late '48 or early '49 and the spot was probably under the soon-to­be hanging tree where it was cooler in the summer.

The first POSTMASTER was Henry Mann, in the first post office (see Store) who was also the first person and postmaster killed by a bear in Jackson.

The first TIME Jackson was county seat of anything was in 1851 when it won, fairly fraudulently, the Calaveras County seat.

The first CLERK of Calaveras County FATALLY SHOT in Jackson was L. A. Collier in '51.

The first time Jackson was INCORPORATED was in 1853 when it be­came a town.

The first time Jackson was the COUNTY SEAT OF AMADOR was in 1854. It still is.

The first poor soul HANGED from that live oak was Indian Joe in 1851.

The first NEWSPAPER in Jackson was the short-lived Sentinel, for an issue of three, in 1852.

The first BRICK STORE built in Jackson was the summer of 1854 when Fixary & Co. 's two-story on Main was completed.

The first ESQUIRE or JP in Jackson was Charles Boynton in 1850.

The first GAS LIGHTING was in August, 1857